Thread regarding Robert Half International Inc. layoffs


With the exception of a few-you have a bunch of dirty political BS that infiltrates every part of your business. I literally hope the BS so called LEADERS that read this YOU CAN NOT sleep at night for the hardships you have inflicted on a bunch of hard working people. YOU HAD THE $$ and you took the low road. SHAME on your asshats for doing this during a global crisis and I seriously hope that clients EVERYWHERE will remember you for this. TRUST ME-THEY WILL.

| 1645 views | | 4 replies (last April 8, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+14nEl1JF

4 replies (most recent on top)

Every assignment and interaction I've ever had with Robert-Half has ended up disastrous.

Post ID: @dos+14nEl1JF

Every assignment and interaction I've ever had with Robert-Half has ended up disastrous.

Post ID: @yss+14nEl1JF

Some of us that got let go were not "kids" and don't pretend to think that RH cares. Correction-not everyone that was fired was not making money. Some people are protected for other reasons.

Stop trying to school people that want to vent.Many of us know how public companies work. We get it, but this is a place to allow the anger to flow. Get over it. Personally-I am not trash, and would never go crawling back to this company . It's a board to express opinions, so just let people do that.

Post ID: @whk+14nEl1JF

You're a number to RHI
You're a number to operational presidents
You're a number with personality to Regionals
You're an expense to branch managers
You're competition to DDs

Do you honestly think they care?
Nothing will change at RH after this.

Less people and more clients for the remaining sales people/recruiters/mangers.

You're trash. 10% of you will be hired back. Others will be forgotten. Clients will remain.
It's called business. Welcome to the post college world kids. Stay away from Publicly traded companies.

RH mentality is. If you were making us enough money you wouldn't have been fired.

Post ID: @vtm+14nEl1JF

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