Thread regarding Dell EMC (EMC Corp.) layoffs

Layoffs are coming, be prepared

Just got word that massive layoffs are in the works for Dell/EMC here in Austin. The Seattle office is also on the block.

Our management team has us putting together severance packages and we are discussing streamlining services.
Hiring freeze is in place and we are cutting promotions, pay band increases as well as merit and performance based promotions.

They will start with the home automation and EMC Infrastructure group followed by other large departments.

It's a very scary time. I'm just waiting for my own layoff as I get everyones severance packages ready.

| 9658 views | | 8 replies (last September 17, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+14ve2aP4

8 replies (most recent on top)

Yea just got laid off yesterday in commercial inside sales. I heard over 14,000 jobs will be effected. I worked there for 8.5 years and like that they just let me go in a 5 minute discussion with no feedback. If you get severance, take it and run from this company. It is the lowest employee satisfaction hence the VSP that happened a couple years back. Just take it and run. Amazon and Tesla are hiring in Austin.

Post ID: @2ukik+14ve2aP4

love it. If I get laid off I am retiring.

1 month garden leave, 2 weeks for every year with minimum of 2 months severance. So, minimum of 3 months total with cap of 6 months.
Post ID: @qbdo+14ve2aP4

Did someone really just share an article about layoffs from cant be that dense, can you?

Post ID: @pszv+14ve2aP4, started

Post ID: @pmba+14ve2aP4

1 month garden leave, 2 weeks for every year with minimum of 2 months severance. So, minimum of 3 months total with cap of 6 months.

Post ID: @9lcf+14ve2aP4

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