Due to Corona shutdowns massive layoffs. Over 50% book fair sales division GONE. People with 10. 15, 20 years all terminated.
9 replies (most recent on top)
Top managers, as a rule, were dictators!
So glad, glad, glad that I no longer have to work for Scholastic Book Fairs! There IS life after SBF!
Just read the transcript for the quarterly conference call (one investment firm represented again). I wonder how many people and branches 100 million in cost reduction equals? Any word yet on how much the virtual book fairs are producing versus the standard fairs?
It was really all about money, and not about creating readers.
This has been an awful work environment for many years now. So many changes, but not for the better!
I’m so glad I got out of this impossible work environment almost two years ago; top management totally unreliable; obviously, this is a sinking ship.
Any word if there will be more branches close?
HR called, no reason or explanation as to why I was selected for release. Many, many very good people were let go. Some who were "kept on" are actually still on furlough (they are the luckiest ones). The employees who have been called back to work are being hammered with impossible expectations (and a new, less attractive compensation plan). Unfortunately, I think there will be more layoffs in the near future.
It has been a long week for the sales department. Due to furloughs it took days to notify everyone and many were sitting there waiting to see if the axe fell on them. It appears random and not always based on tenure or productivity.