Thread regarding Helmerich & Payne Inc. layoffs

Accounting Department

Looks like the Accounting Department can't handle it as per usual.

| 1753 views | | 4 replies (last November 2, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+16YQ8g9Y

4 replies (most recent on top)

This department will not be ran correctly until middle management has been replaced. That is where the problem lies. Always has been the problem. Kissing up should not be the criteria used to keep someone in their position.

Post ID: @Lnwq+16YQ8g9Y

Wonder how long this mess will be allowed to go on without some correction? Now that so many are working from home, there is even less control. Looks like more mistakes will be made. Oh well...they are more concerned with someone kissing their bottoms than they are about actually getting the job done correctly. SSDD !!!

Post ID: @tkvr+16YQ8g9Y

From what I hear, people aren't properly trained. Nothing new there. However, not many people know what they are doing. Lots of unnecessary mistakes. This is a management problem. Always has been, always will be. Again, this is just what I hear. True ? Probably because some things never change.

Post ID: @kmgh+16YQ8g9Y

Does anyone know what this means? I thought the most of the accounting team knew what they were doing and had a handle things. Of course, this was prior to the lay offs. Just wondering.

Post ID: @dnda+16YQ8g9Y

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