Thread regarding Ascena Retail Group Inc. layoffs

More than a thousand stores are closing

That is tens of thousands of employees without a job in the middle of this horrible economy. I don't think there could have been a worse time for something like this to happen. All Catherines stores are gone and most of the Justice as well. And don't think for a moment that those on top who made all the decisions that put us in this position will miss any pay or bonuses. They'll make sure there's enough money for that. Incompetence always gets rewarded, apparently.

| 1557 views | | 1 reply (August 5, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+16dFT8XI

1 reply

It’s the growth mindset they were forcing down everyone’s throat at Catherines. But you can’t grow when you didn’t have the merchandise not everyone will order . When your catering to an older crowd they lost touch with there customers. And even most Lane Bryant are safe for now they need to listen to there customers and give them what they want . Not what out of touch corporate buyers think they should wear who are a size zero or two .

Post ID: @5hqw+16dFT8XI

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