Thread regarding Kaiser Permanente layoffs

Kaiser Foundation to permanently layoff 45 Hawaii employees

Layoffs affected employees at several Kaiser locations including its Dole Service Center, Mapunapuna Medical Offices, Moanalua Medical Center, and its...

#KpNews #KaiserPermanenteNews

| 3015 views | | 1 reply (November 4, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+17LTgOkP

1 reply

Mission statement: Provide quality affordable health care. Geoff Sewell and HPMG leadership have been fiscally irresponsible for too long. There needs to be balance with the mission statement and HPMG leadership acted as though they had a blank checkbook. They balked at changing and by the time they came around it was too late. Now they are out and Hawaii is aligned with SCAL and under new leadership. National will support you for only so long until they say enough and take over. Many workers are now worried.

Post ID: @jsk+17LTgOkP

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