Thread regarding Rent-A-Center Inc. layoffs

Getting laid off from this place would be a blessing!

If I could leave this place with a severance, I'd jump at the opportunity. I can't emphasize enough how much this has turned from a relatively normal workplace into a toxic cesspool of nepotism and incompetence. Even simply doing your job can be a liability because the managers will see you as a threat. I just want out!

| 2372 views | | 5 replies (last December 9, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+186WDQhR

5 replies (most recent on top)

10 yrs? That's cute. Just quit duh!

Post ID: @67wlf+186WDQhR

I’ve worked there 10 years and have seen things done at this company that were not handled how a normal company would. So, yeah as long as you hold value to your position you can get away with all kinds of other stuff. Some of the customers make your day and some coworkers. That is all.

Post ID: @2Idmw+186WDQhR

Why is rcii performing so well on stock price but coworkers are so unhappy?

Post ID: @6eyz+186WDQhR

Lol, some things never change. One day you will wake up and realize you wasted precious time working for a Company that does value the customer or coworker. They only care about numbers and not real numbers at that. Cheat and you to can be an rd, lose money and maybe you can be an executive. SMH

Post ID: @5xxw+186WDQhR

Mitch, Jim and the rest of the Plano crew have lost touch long ago with the day to day operational realities of the stores. The unrealistic sales expectations (and goal reporting), man hour restrictions, lack of needed quality inventory and unending daily report role ups demanded by corporate from the Store Managers and DMs is just ridiculous. Give us the tools to do our jobs properly so we can take care of the customers and increase store profits. Plano needs to get a grip on reality and to put down the whip and understand that the mission statement should be lived everyday by corporate management and not just put in a RAC binder and website to satisfy HR requirements.

Post ID: @cfv+186WDQhR

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