Thread regarding Career Education Corp. layoffs

Bot U?

"One of our initiatives to expand the use of artificial intelligence (“AI”) and machine learning throughout the academic life cycle is AIU’s AI-based virtual assistant “chatbot” that we have named Lucy. Lucy has streamlined the process for prospective students who want to learn about our universities and is able to address over 90% of their questions while continuing to learn from her interactions. If Lucy is unable to address a question, the prospective student is referred to our admissions personnel for additional assistance. We continue to leverage machine learning and data analytics that enhance the functionality and effectiveness of our marketing program initiatives to identify prospective students with interest in our institutions."

| 1257 views | | 1 reply (December 14, 2020)
Post ID: @OP+18jX2lgv

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Colorado Technical University has 59 full-time instructors for 26,000 students.
American Intercontinental University has 51 full-timers for about 8,700 students.

Post ID: @6riy+18jX2lgv

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