Thread regarding Scholastic Corp. layoffs

Scholastic Book Fairs pulls the wool over their customers’ eyes. Their main concern is not raising readers; it’s raising revenue!

| 1551 views | | 2 replies (last October 12, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+191xOxeR

2 replies (most recent on top)

Thats always been the case. I guess years ago the Bookmobile may have been interested in engaging students in recreational reading but those days are long gone.

Post ID: @4giii+191xOxeR

You have to have a service or product that people want that covers the costs of things like inventory and employees. Book sales are increasingly going to Amazon these days, and Amazon's sales have risen by over 40% during the pandemic, at the expense of face to face sales. Of course they're concerned about readers. It's the product! Now, if you don't sell enough books to cover your salary, benefits, equipment you use like computers, and staff that support you like accountants marketing, salespeople what have you, as well as the buying of books from publishers, well, insufficient and rapidly declining revenue means you'll be out on the street sooner rather than later.

Post ID: @pmk+191xOxeR

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