Any ideas on how this will affect employees? I don't care what anybody on top says right now, there's no chance in hell the leadership won't use this as a great opportunity to cut as many employees as they can. It might not happen right away, but I think it's coming. I think the main question is how bad will it get?
13 replies (most recent on top)
SukADckCumTwat really hit a sore spot. Sounds like he is right on money by the response he got out of old Doug. I can't believe after the way he did such a great job of driving the company under he doesn't want to admit it and be proud of lining he pockets at the employees expense. Not to mention bringing quality to an all time low. Remember the motto of the democrats " if you repeat a lie enough about 97 percent of the people will believe it ". Who you gonna believe Douggie or your lying eyes.
Ohh here we go with another Subsea 2.0 d^ck riding fanboy. You want a good description of it? I'd describe it as unprofitable P.O.S. Nobody wants it bro, no matter how many times you j–koff all over it. We get it! Its suppose to save a ton of engineering man hours by plug and playing your configuration. Nobody cares if you can't even get 1 out the door.
also, many previous layoffs have not been about overhead at all. They have been about getting rid of people that don’t go along with the status quo. They got rid of the people that think for themselves and truly desire what’s best for the company. They want a company of “yes men”. So sad...
Really? Could you please pull that thing out of your mouth so you can stop mumbling mumbo-jumbo? Since you act like you know everything, can you explain Subsea 2.0 in laymen's terms, so as to prove you are not a complete id–t?
Jesus Christ this is so glaringly obvious folks. Listen, TechnipEnergies stocks are locked up for 60 days which is literally the only reason why nothing will happen till April. At that point TFMC can sell those shares to BPIFrance (an investment banker). The plan is to cash in 850 mill worth and pay off debt, pay fees & sacrifice a virgin to the SEC gods to file the split paperwork, and "provide working capital and for general corporate purposes for TechnipFMC." which translates too massive bonuses to the people at the top ONLY. This is all in preparation to merge or get completely bought out by a bigger fish. Most likely Halliburton since TFMC already has formed a mini company with them (Odassea) which proved to the SEC that they can play nice together and have large degrees of "synergistic" b—s—. The reality is when the big fish eats the small fish, guess who's gonna get fcked? Any r—d looking at this can put one and one together just by comparing TFMC & HAL competencies. Can anyone say goodbye surface?
just a hypothesis... HAL
What buyout are you referring to?
with a spinoff and subsequent buyout it’s not necessarily about overhead but about consolidation. Infinite possibilities. What do you think?
I agree quality will probably get hit, a lot of overhead there!
You're done, especially if you are in training or Quality group. Quality folks have no idea about our product, or what it does ...
Wtf you're referring to?
How will what affect us?