This company treats engineering as a commodity. Outsourcing to cheap labor markets has destroyed the life blood of TechnipFMC. Senior engineers are being forced to train their counterparts (replacements) in “GECs”. The MBAs are in charge now. Now is a great opportunity to change industries, everyone. There will be another bo-m and subsequent bust but this industry is undoubtedly in decline.
3 replies (most recent on top)
Laid off after 10+ years and asked to train my replacement. Yeah.
I’ll tack onto this last comment to say that the grass IS greener outside of O&G. TFMC has tailed off with trying to keep salaries competitive for quite some time, so the pay to leave is not as big of a hit as you might think (if at all). The stress is much less since I left, and I got to keep 9/80s!
Stop accepting a subpar career…
I'll tell you the same thing my supervisor told me when I was crying about the way this POS company was treating me. "If you don't like it quit " Nobody cares what you think or how you feel. Draw your pay check and let what ever happens happen.