I hear there are still people at Williams over 50. It is time for another “voluntary” retirement offer to clean out the “dead wood”.
5 replies (most recent on top)
I think the twenty somethings will clean out those over 50.
I tried to communicate that a system was down so users would not continue to get frustrated, but my boss said it worked against her goals, so we did nothing. Got called in so guess I better train my India counterpart to take over my job when I get the boot, in order to get a meager severance.
Great post about the Access Management and throw in a bunch of Williams top level traitors that touted Access designs with phony data to save their $$$ and throw their own people under the bus. . I hear rumors that GC 15 was a costly, especially up in the Northeast where you don’t have tons of flat land to spread out dozens of compressors. . Plus the headaches on the maintenance of tons of pieces of equipment. Anybody could see a larger more custom compact design that was all ready implemented before Access was more cost effective. Life isn’t fair that’s for sure!
It's time to clean out the deadwood that cannot do their jobs, mostly those in their 20's that do not have a clue, just like Access management that is currently running the company
“Action Jackson”.