Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

Why are There so Many Psychopath Cheerleaders in a Dirt Bag Organization?

Why do we have so many EM cheerleaders and boot-lickers in this clearly sh-t ho-e of an organization? Just observe the nasty LinkedIn leeches or talk to your fake supervisors and managers if you have disillusion.

Many continue to embrace the fake culture and su(kin up every B.S. Do we really have so many greedy and incompetent employees who are willing to take it all because they don't want to do a real job?

| 3154 views | | 27 replies (last July 1, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1bxTWF0j

27 replies (most recent on top)

Go ahead and ask your manager/supervisor why he/she/xe doesn't like you and won't be honest with you. Time to dust off the resume.

Post ID: @5aov+1bxTWF0j

"Your supervisor will explain to you how it works. They aren’t going to give you a spreadsheet of everyone’s salaries and ranking though. That would be a dbag question to ask. HR even explained it in the early career financial class when I took it."

Yeah, they won't even tell you who is in your rank group. They won't tell you why you ranked the way you did. They won't tell you how to improve in any meaningful way. Think about it. If they said you are with Bob, Sally, and Sue. You might go, "Oh! Yeah! I see what those people do, and I can incorporate some of the good things that they do."

"You are in x/3 and you moved up/down."

Why are you wasting my time with this meaningless cr-p?

Come in on your off-time and work special projects? This one is really meaningless when you work the Dupont schedule and already work extra hours every shift.

Do some LPOs? Yeah that will impress management. You know what this does? It allows management to criticize you for taking extra time for anything they don't like about your LPO.

Face the facts.

The employee rank system is designed to keep you cutting throats, to see who will do it, and promote those people. It's not designed to foster cooperation or efficiency. It's not designed to reward good workers. It is the problem. 360 review never saved anyone.

Post ID: @3cur+1bxTWF0j

Not going to be Bart. He is good at giving ice cream to his employees, taking away his employees 30% COLA, PIPing his employees, ranked 6th place in the Permian and 12th place in Midlland, getting coached on how to speak, trotting out his VP on annual basis for Women's Engineering Day, wasting billions and billions and billions on Kearl and the Permian, and lying to his employees. Looks like I have hurt a nerve with this post so Go ahead and #admin me again, and again and again and I will keep posting again and again and again and again. You corrupt employers are covering yet again for a poor performing Woods syphocant.

Post ID: @3iyc+1bxTWF0j

It’s not going to be Carr.
The chosen one is Bart.
He’s polishing is “man of the people” image.
Nevermind he’s been the face of the Permian of the North and now the Permian of the South, ie the face of anachronism and failure.

Post ID: @1pqs+1bxTWF0j

No one in my 30+ years at XOM every really explained RSUs or the salary curves. Just charts with YEE and salary bars with no numbers. The most opaque discussions of any company. Salary ranges of 28% in most CL levels. All of this is by design to keep employees from understanding their true worth. The real answer is that your pay is ultimately based on a bunch of clowns sitting in a room ranking you based on how much they think you have contributed. Let that sink in.

Post ID: @1spj+1bxTWF0j


Your supervisor will explain to you how it works. They aren’t going to give you a spreadsheet of everyone’s salaries and ranking though. That would be a dbag question to ask. HR even explained it in the early career financial class when I took it.

Post ID: @1zpg+1bxTWF0j


are you telling me that my supervisor will tell me who is receiving RSU and how many they are receiving?

or are you one of the people that brown nose and exclusively hang out with their supervisors and business analysts outside of work to get this information?

we aren’t all parasites that base who we socialize with based on DOAG!

Post ID: @1apa+1bxTWF0j

If OP did in fact quit, why are they still trolling and posting on an ExxonMobil board? What a joke!!

Post ID: @1ivc+1bxTWF0j

OP here. I recently quit this toxic place with a great job offer, higher salary and will be working on real technology.

Some of us who cared are tired to see many mo--ns and losers still defending the company. Get a life! Those who are defending toxic company culture are the reason that the company is in such a bad shape. It is not the company, it is our greedy employees who want their raises at the cost of any immoral subjugation.

It is not a rocket science, if nothing else just observe ExxonMobil LinkedIn dirtbags and few of your su---r colleagues.

Post ID: @1mcd+1bxTWF0j

Wow you people are pathetic. It is no wonder why Exxon is quickly going down the drain.

Post ID: @1nfe+1bxTWF0j

Wow you people are pathetic. It is no wonder why Exxon is quickly going down the drain.

Post ID: @1jjx+1bxTWF0j

OP calling the kettle black? You are part of this unless you quit.

Post ID: @1axk+1bxTWF0j

It is all by design. We like psychopaths here!

Post ID: @1zzv+1bxTWF0j

OP needs to quit - why bring others down. There are choices in life - oh wait, maybe they don’t have any marketable skills 🤣🤣🤣

Post ID: @1wbz+1bxTWF0j

Maybe because if people feel the way you do they quit? I know, I must be a genius. Quit already you toxic miserable person. Why in the world could you possibly stay? You’re just bringing others down.

Post ID: @1uua+1bxTWF0j

OP honestly from your post I can’t figure out why you are still at the company. What is happening now is hardly new. If you didn’t see it was happening soon after you joined then I’d say you were the koolaid drinker. I see a lot of people who were fine with it until they got caught on the wrong end of the system and flamed out. As long as someone else was in NSI and they were getting the raises the system was good. As soon as they flamed out they get all high and mighty and say it is a bad system and immoral. If you didn’t notice that technical people aren’t valued and peoples ranking starts to decline at age 50 almost across the board I don’t know where you have been. Pretty stupid to let your skills atrophy if you saw what was happening and decided to stay.

Post ID: @1yxz+1bxTWF0j

@klj+1bxTWF0j RSUs are hardy a secret. Even raises and promotions going on right now for those with a sponsor is not a secret. Expand your network if you don’t know what is going on in the company or ask your supervisor about it. It isn’t a secret.

Post ID: @1mgp+1bxTWF0j

@emi+1bxTWF0j A 7% match is keeping you around? Really? If you are so marketable and hate the company why don’t you leave?

Post ID: @1ekb+1bxTWF0j

@amq+1bxTWF0j You want a supervisor who goes around bi-----g all the time about things he can’t change? Grow up snowflake. It is called real life. Put your big boy pants on.

Post ID: @jpa+1bxTWF0j

You’re free to leave at any time if you hate it so much.

Post ID: @zgl+1bxTWF0j

after reading the RSU thread, it’s possible some of these people are receiving compensation that we are not aware of.

what a truly sick and cryptic company. imagine if everyone’s pay was public information. i suspect a lot of people would be exposed as frauds

Post ID: @klj+1bxTWF0j

Your question should have just been rhetorical. Yes, people are greedy, incompetent, and cynical. That is how most large corporations are. Some don't even have marketable skills at this point after bouncing around to a new role every 2 years. They must cling and su harder than ever. I actually can just leave whenever I want and get another job at a convenient time, which I will if the match is not back by Jan.

Post ID: @emi+1bxTWF0j

I suspect many are like my supervisor. Middle manager at HQ without any real marketable skills that would allow him to get a job elsewhere, so he has to continue to be a good soldier, parrot the party line, demoralize his direct reports to try and reduce headcount in his group, power walk around campus, and sit up front at all the management forums to be noticed. Where else could someone get paid several hundred thousand a year for contributing so little? So of course he’s going to pull on his skirt and pick up his p-m-poms every day, his very survival depends on it.

Post ID: @amq+1bxTWF0j

@lzd+1bxTWF0j Lol man! Yes, we are hiring and in fact we have been hiring all through the tragic layoff event last year, just not hiring in US. How many job postings you see in US vs. GBCs in India, Malaysia, South America, and Hungary? LinkedIn even have one female employee posting XOM billboard featuring her as an women in finance leadership in Hungary and she is standing next to the billboard thanking XOM. Are some of our peers completely desensitized by now of how some of our peers were treated during last Pips, brutal layoff, current status, and what's coming up for those remaining employees? How do this psychotic peers of ours sleep in peace at night doing this! Sick! Sick! Sick!

Post ID: @etb+1bxTWF0j

Yup, LinkedIn is a true testimony of these leech cheerleading managers and other employees and the XOM is getting free publicity using peoples misery and fakery just so they can remain sucking up, drink the koolaid and keep jobs. True slavery, this is how we become #WeAreExxonMobil and #Winning. Did you also hear the HR VP, TG saying in her podcast that we are now hiring and that the benefits may return by the end of the year? Is she another parrot or what? Lies continues. #BeyondSickening.

Post ID: @lzd+1bxTWF0j

We are all in survival mode in different ways and some already have a clear path going forward. Take care of yourselves and families as this comes to equilibrium

Post ID: @aic+1bxTWF0j

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