Thread regarding SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. layoffs

Furlough Compensation

Were you furloughed by SeaWorld due to Covid-19 and did not receive your last check and vacation pay? By law, SeaWorld was required to pay your final wages and ALL accrued vacation time immediately.

SeaWorld was also obligated to offer you your job back if they were in need of your position. They were not legally allowed to hire for your position after furloughing you.

Contact us right away if you think you may have been affected by any of these issues after being let go by SeaWorld due to Covid-19. We will open up an investigation immediately, FREE of charge.

| 3492 views | | 7 replies (last December 21, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1cIxT4iJ

7 replies (most recent on top)

What SWC did was illegal . They chose not to return management and replaced them with lower paid Individuals. The management that was there picked and choose who they wanted back. Anyone still on furlough needs to file a class action suit or join one already in progress. There was an “unofficial” list that was kept by the HR department with names of all that were furloughed and were govern a “return” or “no return” based on of the company likes you or not.

Post ID: @1Hiyc+1cIxT4iJ

The other states' employees are protected by the EEOC (it is just the federal version of California's DFEH). Google: furlough vs layoff. You should have been offered your job back or else it may have been discrimination.

Post ID: @fguh+1cIxT4iJ

This is not accurate info for all states where SW does business. It does apply to California, but certainly not to Florida, Texas, Virginia or even Pennsylvania. I’d wager that CA employees would probably have a pretty good chance with this class action, and with a good attorney—but these aren’t “laws” that actually apply to the other states.

Post ID: @6mgj+1cIxT4iJ

It’s legit. I’m coming for you SR and the evil empire.

Post ID: @2nwy+1cIxT4iJ

If you worked in California you can go to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) online or in Mission Valley near Hazard Center. By law all wages are due upon termination and you are owed penalties if they are not paid immediately. If they filled your job without asking you back you may be owed big discrimination dollars.

Post ID: @1bxb+1cIxT4iJ

It’s legit. Class action against SeaWorld.

Post ID: @1uwg+1cIxT4iJ

Anyone looked into this? Legit?

Post ID: @1dhw+1cIxT4iJ

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