Hope the new guys enjoy this while it last the plan is to train current outside operations on boards and along with the combined control room the ability to run 3 different facilities from one location. The eliminating of an outside operator and a single board operator. And in turn all new hires or current employees will be let go.
7 replies (most recent on top)
Older employees don't want to try anything new, stuck in old ways. Company cannot make progress.
Maybe you should go back to school and get skills like the supervisor?
Young plant supervisors are WOKE. Don’t fit in with experienced culture.
The new ads running on social media show all the young supervisors pointing to direct the operations staff. Anyone with years of plant experience at risk to the up and comers.
So true, Williams has gone from employing generalists. Employees perform multiple roles, without the training and required experience. Compliance items are slipping, people are frustrated and Enginners can do no wrong, they just get promoted with no regard to competence.
Management is very clicky, only their favorites (friends, family, suck ups) are promoted.
Seems like this may be a penny wise pound foolish move. Just one mistake and the plant could explode, will history be repeated?
This is true currently have both Cryo and fractionation plants board operators at one location. Once trained the conversion will be five operators total with one running sites and a single outside at each facility with possibly a rover each shift.