How embarrassing and what proof of a toxic environment. The guy couldn't even make it two months dealing with SR and quit.
How embarrassing and what proof of a toxic environment. The guy couldn't even make it two months dealing with SR and quit.
Lost another two aquarist this week and they through a party…that’s seven in about three weeks….
Within the last few weeks 4 more lifers have said adieu to Discovery Cove and SeaWorld Orlando. A manager at Discovery Cove , 2 senior aquarist and a associate aquarist…these folks have have enough with over 40 years experience.. now to be replaced by non experienced people. There ad reads high school diploma needed… SeaWorld must be kidding…oh wait they’re not…I know folks trying to get back to help the negligent animals and they are blacklisted. SR Instant Karma is going to get you!
LMFAO!!! Bunch of clowns!!