Two more locations are closing in NJ. How many is that this year? I've lost count. Why isn't management doing anything to make sure closings are not necessary? Do they not care? I'm tired of thinking about layoffs and possible closings 24/7. What happened to this place?
3 replies (most recent on top)
Mis-management are purposefully closing stores and letting their leases run out. That's part of the grand plan. They have already announced that plan. They have ads out for "hiring" but that is a hoax. They are really not hiring at all.
Stock is going up though! Buy backs are occurring. If stores aren't bringing in the money, why keep them open? Be sure to check to see when your lease expires, no point in extending leases.
Did you not get the memo? They announced last year that they are closing 1200 stores and firing 13,000 employees. It's been all over the news.