Thread regarding SeaWorld Entertainment Inc. layoffs

SeaWorld Entertainment Layoffs 2022

Do you think there will be SeaWorld Entertainment layoffs? Any chatter, news or rumors?

| 3321 views | | 5 replies (last February 9, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1dLgiswE

5 replies (most recent on top)

Hard to layoff employees when you can't meet staffing levels now. BGW is bringing in 600 to 700 international employees to fill staff shortages BGW and WCUSA. Four additional motels reserved for internationals. suck

Post ID: @1sgoi+1dLgiswE

Lots of chatter about it, but nothing concrete. It seems that S R wants to continue to bleed the parks, while doing the bare minimum to keep guests and retain staff.

Post ID: @bhhj+1dLgiswE

No insight here, but...
Cedar fair announced cashless for 2022 and six flags is already cashless. Will SeaWorld follow?

Post ID: @2yva+1dLgiswE

I don't know that there will be layoffs, but can't wait to see how many execs peace out in April/May after their stock vests.

Post ID: @1wdu+1dLgiswE

Good luck sea world and will not success in future

Post ID: @1uif+1dLgiswE

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