Thread regarding XTO Energy Inc. layoffs

XTO still alive?

Howdy folks. Trying to keep this thread alive if still visited. Needing to hear good news from engineers with 5-10 yrs experience leaving XOM. I’m sure you are out there, hope you see this.

| 2833 views | | 4 replies (last January 16, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1dUGHt8k

4 replies (most recent on top)

Looks like the end of most things XTO is happening. Fayetteville, Barnett, Utica and Duvaney/Montney on the sales block. With natty gas prices rising seems like a good time to do so. Wish some former XTO folks could come up with the backing to buy them and start XTO 2.0 in FTW. And this time beware the tiger!

Post ID: @Vsel+1dUGHt8k

XTO no longer is alive. Replaced by EM cronies. Permian is the worst of all. Are you surprised? Only XTO left is EBU

Post ID: @Niye+1dUGHt8k

XTO does not exist anymore.EM is using the brand just for mere business. They changed around 2017. They stater to disable XTO when they put their people in specific management position. EM mentality.

Post ID: @9obv+1dUGHt8k

Not an engineer but left after a year of being in Houston. Found a better job in DFW paying more.

XTO seems to largely not exist anymore. When I was there they made an effort to rebrand everything to “Upstream Unconventional”. XTO culture is pretty much gone and it definitely had a stigma when I was there in terms of people not wanting to rotate into it.

Post ID: @6lud+1dUGHt8k

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