Thread regarding TechnipFMC plc layoffs

I need a break

I don't hate FMC as much as some of you do. The pay and benefits are decent and I work with good people so those are not the reasons why I'm considering leaving. Being constantly expected to do the work of three people is. It wasn't always like this, but with attrition and layoffs continuously thinning out the workforce and no replacements being hired in time, my workload has tripled in the past several years. I can't do it anymore. I'm 53 and I know leaving now is a huge risk but I have no other choice.

| 3041 views | | 2 replies (last October 24, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1djxGcnD

2 replies (most recent on top)

Yes, life outside of oil n gas exists and it is much better than I imagined. Better pay and a heck of a lot less stress.

Post ID: @afdr+1djxGcnD

There’s life outside O&G, you’ll do fine. Look for something that makes you happy, and from what I’ve seen there is a good chance that it pays just as well (or close) with the shortage of good hard working employees around the country.

Best of luck to you

Post ID: @1yuo+1djxGcnD

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