Thread regarding Columbia University/Columbia College layoffs

"Thousands of Striking Columbia Grad Student Workers Threatened via Email With Replacement"

| 651 views | | 1 reply (December 6, 2021)
Post ID: @OP+1e9yZVzs

1 reply

Pay has always been incredibly low as student workers even for Grad Students. It was like that a long time ago when I was in school and I had to work two jobs and take out loans to support myself through school. I know of other students who slept in cars between working at Starbucks and Noah's Bagels. Yes - they worked multiple jobs as well.

That's what it takes to survive as a student. Hence, reference to starving students.

It's not right but that's always the way it has been. We move on to better paying jobs eventually.

Post ID: @1arv+1e9yZVzs

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