Thread regarding Cerner Corp. layoffs

Start looking!

I've gone through the Oracle board and things are not looking good for any of us. The only positive thing in all of this is that it is a great job market right now. Everybody should start updating their LinkedIn and sending out their resumes. I have a feeling that those who manage to get away before the ink is dry on the deal will be the lucky ones.

| 2762 views | | 3 replies (last March 26, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1epBQH6h

3 replies (most recent on top)

The head of HR is a cruel person. I recommend getting out while you can. Cerner is in the news about right sizing…which means layoffs. Get out while you can.

Post ID: @1xqtq+1epBQH6h

I would agree, look what happend to the defunked Sprint even though a different industry.

Post ID: @1ttcm+1epBQH6h

Cerner and Cerner customers, start looking elsewhere. Once Big Data companies take over, you are just a commodity for them and a constant source of revenue.

Post ID: @nfj+1epBQH6h

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