Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

Other options

I can say with certainty that most of us are here only because it is difficult to find another option. It’s easy to get an offer that’s no better than the job I have here, but it’s not easy to find something better. I'd like to leave before I get laid off here. What are your experiences with looking for a new job?

| 1401 views | | 2 replies (last March 12, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1fHrT8nj

2 replies (most recent on top)

Get on LinkedIn if you are not already. Make sure you list out as many relevant business (or IT) skills as you have. That little niche skill you or you manager think little of could be really important to another employer.

I got headhunted on 2X the salary with massively better WLB on a skill that seemed like a small deal in Pru but turned out it was very hard to find.

Post ID: @1bxs+1fHrT8nj

Alot of truth to what you say, yep. As for job hunting , depends on your role.

Post ID: @1gmi+1fHrT8nj

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