Thread regarding HCSC (Health Care Service Corporation) layoffs

Leadership does not value their employees

I think it's never been more obvious just how little this leadership values employees even though we're the ones who do the work that matters (it's certainly not some manager who spends his or her days making pointless PowerPoint presentations that everybody forgets about two minutes later). Employees not being treated with any respect is the main reason why so many of us are leaving as soon as possible.

| 1794 views | | 2 replies (last March 26, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1fMjPjNX

2 replies (most recent on top)

Try not spending so much time on the PowerPoint. Maybe that is why you haven’t been promoted.

Post ID: @accz+1fMjPjNX

It is very much a give your "friend" a position mentality that exists. Yet all they talk about is how many people they need to hire and leave the real workers to cover the tracks of others.

Post ID: @nzf+1fMjPjNX

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