Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

I'm tired

I'm tired because I have to deal with a total lack of recognition or respect for my performance every single day. I'm tired of having to fight to have anything I have done recognized as being done by me. I'm tired of others taking credit for my work and receiving increases and bonuses that were rightfully mine. I'm just so tired of this place.

| 1561 views | | 5 replies (last March 24, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1fTKMWsF

5 replies (most recent on top)

Good on you, there’s plenty of opportunities out there. You just have to put yourself on the job market and someone will snap you up. At some point these cuts will be deeper and some of the treasured senior leaders will be leaving too.

Post ID: @1wgl+1fTKMWsF

The moment I find a new job I'll tell you my group and name and shame. Not before then, though.

Post ID: @1yay+1fTKMWsF

Yikes. What group are you in?

Post ID: @pme+1fTKMWsF

I had a boss in Prudential who said “you work to make me look good. You can get promoted after I retire.”

Post ID: @oqt+1fTKMWsF

Then leave. But you will find all of the things you complain about will be very common no matter where you go. Only you can decide whether to make the leap. But, it doesn't hurt to get networking and applying for other jobs.

Post ID: @sjt+1fTKMWsF

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