I really didn’t expect to be on the layoff list. Despite everything, I thought there was a high probability that I would keep the job if I worked hard enough. What a mistake! I really needed this job and now I am consoling myself that the layoff is just short-term stress and an opportunity for something better.
4 replies (most recent on top)
Singapore got layoffs this year also
What’s goood in that?
They retain people who looks, thinks and acts like them. And lay-off those who are different. Whatever happened to inclusion and diversity that this same company keeps on calling in public?
Seems the ones left are very homogeneous - very similar on ways of working, even demographics incl ethnicity. I wonder what happened to diversity and inclusion that this company used to stand for. It’s not enough to be normal in some ways. Have to be a woman or pregnant or disabled or you’ve got something unique to retain the job - if you do not belong to this type of homogeneous people
A lot of Unilever people are now saying goodbye on LinkedIn. The manager who made me redundant is now getting redundated himself. Life is indeed a circle, with ups and downs. There is a myth that if you worked hard enough, you won’t get laid off. Interestingly, the leftovers who remain are the mediocre ones. I still don’t understand it up to now.