I'll land on my feet if I'm laid off. I'm much more worried about them deciding that severance is too much of an expense and instead of laying us off, they start finding reasons to fire us. I know many will call me paranoid and they might be true, but I wouldn't put that past this management.
3 replies (most recent on top)
They gave Global Tech three weeks notice that they have to come to the office 2x per week. Failure to adhere will be considered during our performance review and can leave to corrective or disciplinary action. I've been remote for three years with no performance issues but now if I don't come in it will impact my performance? They are just looking to have people quit or use it as an excuse to fire people, IMO anyway.
Already started to fire attorneys on trumped up performance issues.
Constructive dismissal is the aim of the game, that’s my 2 cents.
If they keep ramping up workload without increasing Resources then people will have a breaking point and leave, their former team mates will be expected to pick up the slack which sets of a chain of resignations
End game is as much work as possible gets outsourced to India or Philippines.