How many of leadership expectations below do XOM mgmt. demonstrate and live by on a day to day basis? I would say they fail on them all and multiple times and still get to keep their jobs for failing to act as per these.
- Set standards (what standards you may ask?)
- Create clarity (what a joke?)
- Inspire and Motivate (this one is a total 100% mgmt. failure, unless you are BK from EMIT and inspire people to quit)
- Promote innovation (100% failure here too, remember DWs line of oil and gas is all we know and we will stay the course)
- Compete to win (%100 success for mgmt. as in competing and sacrificing undeserving and hard working workers for their own gains)
None of the above even align with the bad culture XOM mgmt. has created and promoted by HR. So when HR is even stewarding and promoting these lies?