Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

What was hit this week?

There's talk about layoffs in technology this week, is this true? How many were affected?

| 2061 views | | 4 replies (last April 4, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1g03iIIR

4 replies (most recent on top)

Everyone older then 50 seems to have been targeted. Don't wait get out. Every tech opening will go to offshore with awful resources and you will be left to deliver

Post ID: @5tgq+1g03iIIR

VP’s …… the cuts are starting to run deep.

Post ID: @1znp+1g03iIIR

VPs in GT were hit anyway. Not sure what the package was like.

Post ID: @1onc+1g03iIIR

Will there be more before the end of the week?

Post ID: @xdr+1g03iIIR

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