Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

Vision & Strategy Quarterly Update

Leave your thoughts on the latest quarterly update.

| 2311 views | | 8 replies (last May 12, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1gA8d7ED

8 replies (most recent on top)

You may feel grateful today, you saw the AIG boards, that will be your fate with McKinsey advising mgmt.

You have been warned, so get out while you can!!

Post ID: @7lpq+1gA8d7ED

Wow, you weren't kidding. I think reading the AIG message board almost made me feel grateful to be at Pru. Gross.

Post ID: @5aqt+1gA8d7ED

Sounds like Prudential is turning into AIG. AIG is just a few years ahead on the downfall of the company.

Just look at the posts on the AIG board if you want a glimpse into your future

Post ID: @4vnc+1gA8d7ED

I'm pretty sure they addressed the WSJ article at the end.

Post ID: @2cju+1gA8d7ED

I’m surprised no one dare to ask about Assurance IQ and the wsj article. I guess question like that won’t get approve anyway. Just tired of all this “rally”, senior leaders patting on each other’s back and high-five each other for job well done. Meanwhile the entire organization is over worked, living in fear of the constant lay-off.

Post ID: @1uwn+1gA8d7ED

Just a rotting carcass now. No chance of a turnaround...

Post ID: @1rln+1gA8d7ED

A nothing burger

Post ID: @ozt+1gA8d7ED

Between the VSP, involuntary layoffs, and now the "Great Resignation", Prudential is hemorrhaging talent and legacy knowledge. These Vision and Strategy updates feel like they are trying to convince employees to stay and that Prudential hasn't turned into a complete sh-t show.

Post ID: @crc+1gA8d7ED

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