Thread regarding Lumen Technologies layoffs

I really don't care anymore

I regret losing the last two years here, waiting for things to change for the better while being frustrated by leadership decisions. Why should anyone care about this company, when those who are paid enormous money for running this place don't seem to care at all ?

| 2809 views | | 11 replies (last May 11, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1gAAK5ir

11 replies (most recent on top)

Well at least you did something productive in your OT, instead of just sitting in a truck.

Post ID: @6cnk+1gAAK5ir

I recently did the nasty with a local chic who lives right next to my central office in the central office switch room. The only thing that made me feel good was I was able to do something to the company after they took my standby and most of my overtime away. And yes I did the nasty while on OT.

Post ID: @6ruo+1gAAK5ir

The greatest thing anymore is you can tell your boss it suck one wants to work at Lumen and they have no options.

Post ID: @6ehh+1gAAK5ir

CWA is garbage. You can get a better paying job with the same benefits many places.

Post ID: @6rhi+1gAAK5ir

How can anyone stand up
For this place I hope all the rich ceos cfos can sleep at night and well urn in h ———

Post ID: @5uzb+1gAAK5ir

" That’s your fault, you were not Drafted. Go find another job. The quicker the company gets rid of you the quicker they can get another contractor to take your job. "
oh yeah? move on yourself a--hat

Post ID: @5yip+1gAAK5ir

That’s your fault, you were not Drafted. Go find another job. The quicker the company gets rid of you the quicker they can get another contractor to take your job.

Post ID: @4nbm+1gAAK5ir

Post man knows your bu-----t? He moves on whenever he wants? Who put you in charge?

Post ID: @3soq+1gAAK5ir

Everyone has a choice! I can tell you that my self esteem has gone through the roof working with a fair company!! If you don’t tell me what you want to do? I can’t help you! I’m out! There a lot more to learning a business!

Post ID: @3lxp+1gAAK5ir

Post man your no obligated to stay. Move on

Post ID: @2hdh+1gAAK5ir

My observations from being gone for 2 years? If they don’t care about me, then why should I care about you? The second Managers question my loyalty or intellectual value to an organization? I’m gone! Why? Because I can! Happy!

Post ID: @ybv+1gAAK5ir

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