Thread regarding Rent-A-Center Inc. layoffs

Out of control delinquency

I hear credit numbers are out of control! Hmm, take a look at those audit trails on Monday so can can see what your DMs and RDs are up too.

| 1574 views | | 9 replies (last May 4, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1gvduBMi

9 replies (most recent on top)

Wow this was surprising to find I've worked here for a month or so during that time I sold a few items game systems mainly and they were all approved with no verification and these people took off the collection guy I feel bad for I think he's going to quit soon from what he says just to many people trying to steal he looks like he's going to have a stroke chasing these people I feel bad really I even put them on the auto pay like they want but they canceled there card I don't think I am going to stay much longer myself to much of a hassle they want to much for the times we are in right now.

Post ID: @4hsb+1gvduBMi

I agree I don't know how they are either .You have people that never paid a bill their entire life on time but rac expects them to make ontime payments store I was at before leaving a week ago was just burning though employees no one wants to deal with the headache they really need to do something different I am glad to be gone tho to many people were trying to steal the one's that were approved with no verification really bad customers idk their future but getting people on that auto pay is nearly impossible and I agree with the other guy they take themselves right off of it or lock there card

Post ID: @1sni+1gvduBMi

Math? Google rcii scroll down to their financials, how do those numbers make sense? Where is the responsibilty to the shareholder and employees? We all know about the "golden parachute" but really how many of those can you get? Do a Gamestop reddit play but short this buster and move on.

Post ID: @1rql+1gvduBMi

@iuj+1gvduBMi is clearly not a rd or vp, most of them don't know what candid feedback means. I worked for an rd that I doubt has a high school diploma but he sure could fake it til he made it. RAC was a great Company but I am sorry to say they have many bad leaders in place. I don't believe they can make the changes needed to survive in this economy. It is simple math that many of them can't perform.

Post ID: @1tmp+1gvduBMi

Oh shoot we have our first Karen in the house talking cr-p about someone @iuj+1gvduBMi

Post ID: @1efl+1gvduBMi

iuj+1gvduBMi is a dbag don't pay him no mind other guy is right probably still one of the ones stuck at rac .

Post ID: @1zmw+1gvduBMi

Look at this dude bashing someone time to start calling people names must work for rac...

Post ID: @1gap+1gvduBMi

@xyi+1gvduBMi a little bit of candid feedback: Your writing needs significant improvement. As in, it is surprising you passed fifth grade.

Post ID: @iuj+1gvduBMi

Hey that hey your approved with no verification and people don't even live in the homes that that is listen in the system no verification needed people are stealing like crazy all numbers disco they pick it up right at the store if it's a small item and if we deliver they take them self off auto pay and don't open the door just a little verification no matter what would help the current situation

Post ID: @xyi+1gvduBMi

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