Thread regarding Office Depot layoffs

Why are you still at Office Depot

I left eight months ago and I couldn't be happier. There are plenty of available jobs right now and many of them pay more - I went up $3 per hour since I left. I also replaced a horrible manager who used to insult us and yell at us all the time with somebody who treats me with respect and even helps us out when we need it. Life is better elsewhere.

| 2165 views | | 2 replies (last February 8, 2023)
Post ID: @OP+1gyIwFda

2 replies (most recent on top)

I left last year. I couldn't be happier. More pay, better benefits and a great company overall. It is nice to not always be worrying if you will lose your job next.

Post ID: @4xsma+1gyIwFda

If you’re a GM or above the pay is higher than average, that’s why people stay. Even most junior managers can make decent pay depending on market.

Post ID: @7yli+1gyIwFda

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