Thread regarding Rent-A-Center Inc. layoffs

Credit crisis

How will the Company deal with the credit crisis? Turn a blind eye or fix the problem. I am very happy not to be working at rac!

| 1346 views | | 14 replies (last June 12, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1h0J5ckJ

14 replies (most recent on top)

Look I worked there for many years, "they" changed how they do things, why? Trying to get all fancy and change with the times but you don't cut corners when dealing with $$$! Merchandise costs $$$, you don't buy it with monopoly $$ so why do you act like it. All I can say is I am so happy I don't work there anymore and I got paid very well but it's not worth it. I come on here because I was stabbed in the back and now I laugh but it's not a laughing matter for all those shareholders. Good luck!

Post ID: @chro+1h0J5ckJ

What they need is to go back to verifying the people plain and simple it's quantity over quality it seems I actually just left this job last Tuesday same stuff at the location I worked at one of my last 15 plus accounts I called that day I remember because it was a APPROVED person I called the landlord which I didn't have to do because you don't call approved people anyways I called said he moved out and didn't pay his rent for the last 3 months now check this with one just 1 simple call which I am told if approved no need to verify we would have caught this and he would have got nothing but because company's new direction now you have a 15 plus and good luck finding him and this bull falls on my lap company fault their problem way I look at it now this is 1 example of the many 15 plus accounts that were there when I left all I have to say is good luck to the next guy that job became a headache last few months doesn't help at all with everything skyrocketing in prices everywhere people are broke glad I left there is only 1 way to turn this around I feel lower the weekly rates and fully verify the potential customer back to basics that's what they need to do now before all is lost I was looking on indeed and seen the ceo have a 60 percent approval rating which in their rating is bad there supposed to be a smiley face if your employees are happy it was a frown found that interesting I looked at all the posts on this page and I touched base on what some already said and it's the reality of the current state of rac sorry for the guy who I think said had a dog attack him I had that 1 time also smacked it with a hose from the van lol wasn't going to have it eat me but good luck to all those who still work there and I wish the best for them the company has a responsibility to not only the shareholders but the employees who will eventually lose their jobs because staying on this course I don't see them staying afloat I just don't at all but there is still time to do a course correction I still deal with rac as a employee I got a ps5 I'll still pay them I ain't a low life and I am still friendly with the employees their know what it's like to chase someone I have respect for what they do and how hard it is .... .

Post ID: @clne+1h0J5ckJ

Just left work with credit near a 40 called 4 rounds never seen it like this in the 4 years I've been here people are stealing left and right the system approved someone named peewee herman for 2,800 worth of merchandise with verification I couldn't believe it was a fake lead but still wtf rac is definitely going down the drain

Post ID: @cwzm+1h0J5ckJ

I worked here for a week quit like 3 weeks ago my manager and me had to go to people's home asking for money for there payments on there stuff almost every home I went to was in the hood and there was always a problem even got attacked by a dog I quit this idk how people do this job I replaced someone that quit who worked there for a month and I was right behind him they should do like a background check or whatever stop rent to a bunch of low life people so you don't have to go to homes

Post ID: @auwx+1h0J5ckJ

I've been at rac going on 3 years soon never have I seen at any place I worked at seen so many people come and go had to at least seen 35 to 40 people quit .. they are so unrealistic in their sales goals and credit number and the dms and I say dms cuz probably seen like 10 or more come and go everyone of them acts like you can just call them for a payment and they will pick up my time is nearing a end also I am actually sick of all the stuff I see to the point I just don't care no more plus I want Saturdays off everyday is a 0 to 100 no one picks up phones they ask for to many sales and everyone is always a new hire who never lasts that's why I don't take the time to get to know anyone they won't be here long 1 or 2 interactions with the dm they normal say f this place I don't need a job this bad cuz rac is a very bad place to work for only reason why I even stay is cause everytime I do try to leave they give me more money but even that's old never felt so old working at at job and stressed as this place makes me feel ..they should do 4 day work weeks it's so stressful maybe you will better results and your staff won't feel burned out everyday that would be something I'd like and maybe stay but that won't happen they will just keep hiring new people throw them in the meat grinder

Post ID: @ammf+1h0J5ckJ

Like I said rac is a young Company and they have never been through economic conditions like we have now and will have in the next 12 months. I would say good luck but rac will need more than luck.

Post ID: @3dda+1h0J5ckJ

I agree inflation is ki----g this company with high prices a bad decision engine approves anyone no one can afford stuff these days I have many customers returning their stuff they just don't have money never seen it like this and for those that invested in the product they are skipping even being told no matter what the engine says like it matters anyway skip or not rent to them place is getting desperate they act like they thrive in these conditions but when no one has money thiscompany in no way can thrive I see these stores closing or a buyout by end of year

Post ID: @3zqs+1h0J5ckJ

I am fairly new to the job but these sales they are having every other week is just crazy everything is so over priced I tell people the price they either hang up on me or tell me they will call me back never get a call back I feel like this job is impossible with these prices jacked up like that I had to do price changes and everything get up even more I am just shocked I drove home debating if I even want to do this job anymore as I filled my gas tank up 6 bucks a gallon but I am supposed to sell this stuff when we are at I think a 30 year high inflation rate no one can afford much I could just imagine what the guy that calls collections goes though for a payment

Post ID: @3caj+1h0J5ckJ

I don't even worn here but I stumbled on this sit .I went into one of these stores and when the guy told me he could get me a ps5 for 50 a week I walked out everything is mega expensive if those weekly rates were lower maybe get something but he-l no keep that sh-t

Post ID: @3wzd+1h0J5ckJ

All RAC has done is sabotage their business by using an algorithm to qualify their customer. Would you lend out 500 bucks to some of your customers based on what a computer says? Mr T would be very disappointed right now.

Post ID: @2luw+1h0J5ckJ

I remember when rac leadership did not make excuses, you can blame the stores but the rac vp and rds need to fix the problem. Unrealistic and high expectations may look the same but they are very different. One brings about fantastic results and the other causes good people to make bad choices. Once you cross the integrity line you can't go back, come on look at your reports!

Post ID: @2sck+1h0J5ckJ

Credit is a problem a store created. The true problem is over the last 2.5 years the amount of turnover has created a bench of coworkers that never had to manage credit in the real world, without gov handouts, without 5% extensions. Credit now is no different than summer 2019.

Post ID: @2sfl+1h0J5ckJ

Most rd and dms do not know how to fix credit, they cheated their way to a promtion. Now you have leadership(lack of) that can't fix the problem.

Post ID: @1fvt+1h0J5ckJ

Rac got themselves in the current state it's in ..That whole new way of verification is just really bad then they want the collectors to go bang on doors to fix it just not happening plus the dms really need retraining they swear and yell at their employees moral can't be good in most stores

Post ID: @1dar+1h0J5ckJ

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