Thread regarding Shopify layoffs

Get out if you can

If I had learned I was laid off I would have been overjoyed. Shopify has changed so much in a short time that I can't even recognize it as the company I used to enjoy working at anymore. The culture has shifted and is now a toxic mess of competitiveness instead of cooperation. Employees are treated worse and worse every single day. I'm looking for a way out as I type this and I know many others are as well.

| 1955 views | | 1 reply (July 21, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1hGD9s40

1 reply

I was laid off and I can confirm that after getting over the initial shock and then seeing the interest in the market for my role, I felt a huge sense of relief and freedom.

Post ID: @9hzp+1hGD9s40

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