Thread regarding 7-Eleven, Inc. layoffs

How much longer would you've stayed here?

If you hadn't been laid off, how much longer would you have stayed here?
I hope to find another option before they show me the door.

| 1254 views | | 3 replies (last July 29, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1hTEo0Lq

3 replies (most recent on top)

I was already in the interview process.
I could no longer take orders yes (not direction) it was ORDERS, from a babbling baboon who did not care about his people.
He micromanaged every thing, all the way down to boneless wings not being sold for 1hr on any given day. It was pretty bad, didn’t align with my culture or vision whatsoever.

Post ID: @4yia+1hTEo0Lq

When I left I’d turned down so many offers. I never thought I’d stay forever but also every time an opportunity came up the emotional ties I had to the people there and the community (which I now absolutely identify as cult-like) kept me solidly anchored.

Several years have passed for me. Leaving was the best thing that happened to me. I wish I’d had the courage to do so much sooner.

Post ID: @3ivg+1hTEo0Lq

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