Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

Does any part of EMIT function well?


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| 2253 views | | 19 replies (last August 1, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1hU9BNf2

19 replies (most recent on top)


Post ID: @6rer+1hU9BNf2

The only emit team that I ever had great interaction with is the team that supports our labs at BTEC. But then again they are onsite and available to help with everything.

Dealing with the help desk or requesting software is a nightmare. Should not take hours or days to reset my password or months for simple software requests. Wasting hours, days and months of my productivity just dealing with India.

I get chewed out by my fls when I cannot respond to an email or waiting on software to be installed

Post ID: @4pvp+1hU9BNf2

On top of the outsourcing mentioned, the few decisions that EMIT employees SHOULD be responsible for end up getting made by the business. Most of the time when things are breaking and never fixed and when projects that make no sense get prioritized, you can thank the business. They request it, demand it gets attention, ask for EMIT’s advice occasionally, then ignore their advice and do their own thing. If the business would just gtfo of the way and let EMIT do it’s job the few people who haven’t quit yet could still make a positive impact.

Some of you may remember the SAP incident last year where, mid discussion about how to resolve the issue, a manager from the business joined, demanded we stop resolving the issue to give him a 20min update in front of everyone and walk through it (not even the business impact, just the actual technical problem), and then proceeded to ask us if we had tried turning it off and on. When doing the MIR, the final finding was that EMIT had identified the issue months in advance, started working to resolve it, and been told by the business to ignore it because it was “not possible”, from their nontechnical opinion. Of course, the official MIR had some bogus claim since the real one was “a bad look for someone important”. I don’t tell engineers how or where to drill. Don’t tell me how IT works.

Post ID: @3qnw+1hU9BNf2

MSPs and BTCs will rule the world!

Post ID: @1ksw+1hU9BNf2

EMIT employees are just as frustrated as the rest of the corporation. All of our jobs are being outsourced to MSPs like HCL and Infosys. They are very transactional and don't care about impact on the business. Our new job is to babysit the MSPs and try and fix anything they fu---d up. Exactly what you're all starting to see with BTCs.

Post ID: @1gcm+1hU9BNf2

EMIT is the worst vendor we have on global projects. Trying to add simple WI-FI to a project office where we own the site and buildings for simple connections. This has been discussed for over 4 months and went all the way to EMIT LT that is still thinking about the risk. Projects can’t wait for people that don’t have any field experience to make decisions. I feel for the people still hanging on as the do’ers can’t do because the IT Fellows have to speak.

Post ID: @1mmq+1hU9BNf2

EMIT sux

Post ID: @1nlu+1hU9BNf2

The attrition part seems to be working well.

Post ID: @1gff+1hU9BNf2

EMIT spelled backwards is TIME

Post ID: @1exj+1hU9BNf2

You get what you pay for. Everything is getting outsourced to MSPs like hcl and Infosys. Customer Experience is a joke with so much turnover. And with Agile getting shoved down everyone's throat you have to wait to get anything done. Don't hate EMIT, hate the leadership that thought outsourcing is the answer.

Post ID: @1mcd+1hU9BNf2

The only worthy parts of EMIT are the BTCs.

Post ID: @1yno+1hU9BNf2

EMIT's not a money-maker, so they are severely underfunded.
Same thing as Safety and Medical departments.
Cutting down on the unnecessaries, you know.
We're all doing that, right?

Post ID: @1bgg+1hU9BNf2

The parts of EMIT that function really well are the ones that don’t have to interact much with other parts of EMIT

Post ID: @1hjy+1hU9BNf2

@khp+1hU9BNf2 ...and what would EMIT employees be able to change even if any of had a chance to speak to any EMIT employees? You are saying as if EMIT employees can make of influence any changes. The hotshot have just become shots! No more hot!

Post ID: @1izf+1hU9BNf2

Most business users dont get to interact with actual EMIT employees on support issues or tickets until it becomes a real problem. EMIT is so underfunded these get handled by HCL or Infosys out of India or some other 3rd Party.

Post ID: @khp+1hU9BNf2

My experience with the EMIT employees at Annandale has been very positive, the online ones, not so much.

Post ID: @gfi+1hU9BNf2

Pass the buck until the employee loses their rag, realises it isn't worth it and closes the ticket.


Post ID: @dfl+1hU9BNf2

Getting anything done with these guys is like going on some odyssey that at the end of the day makes you wonder if you should just ki-l yourself.

I hope someone in Houston has metrics on the cost of time wasted waiting for approvals and help regarding regular software that doesn't have any cost to the company.

Post ID: @cid+1hU9BNf2

Trick question ? May be BK direct report

Post ID: @sfj+1hU9BNf2

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