I'm quite saddened to hear some people from VMW who wouldn't want to work here at all. It's not that I don't often wish to work somewhere else but I don't have many complaints.
The only thing I feel bad about is that I think this company can be much better, but not with leaders like this... Just saying.
11 replies (most recent on top)
There are plenty of folks in the Symantec org who are fully remote. Although at time of acquisition, the rumor was those folks would be forced, I haven't seen that happen in 2 years. Hock Tan's attendance requirement seems to be for people who are attached to an office to begin with.
VMW employees will be in an office.
For VMW employees, remote work is an integral part of our life. Octane is threatening to end that which is why you see the scramble for life. Aside from that, we actually like BCOM values. We know that we have too much fluff here. Also, VMW is nothing without its employees. The best are ALL remote. Only the new grads find office and the socialization valuable. The best are watching now and will scram if forced to come onsite. If Octane is as smart as he's portrayed to be, then the remote policy won't be touched.
it's pretty decent if you're 63, have no debt (which you shouldn't), came from CA acquisition, and have $3M+ in savings already socked away.
Just hang on for another 18 months to get most of that vesting. of course the challenge is attitude. in that sense just pretend like you care, and you really dont of course.
otoh, with Octane watching over the software plate of spaghetti... hoping for 18 months might not be possible as FY23 is going to be full of much uncertainty....
It can be great if the company cared about its employees. Instead its run by a crazy dictator. So glad I went to greener pastures! Fck bc!
Be specific please. Is product good? Support good? Customers happy? Colleagues are capable and reliable? Is the money better than other tech firms?
Zzzzzz... Posts like this is why i left that sheet ho-e. Same or better money elsewhere, mucho better work environment.
how do you define great...? great products??? lmfao....
This translates to: I like the money and do not care about anything else.
Which is fine, but you cannot expect everyone else to follow that logic. Yes, I work for money. But as I am unluckyn enough to have to do so I would prefer to do something I like. Working for Broadcom is not one of them.
Also, everyone (except ONE person who changed jobs) I know that stayed on after I left was let go.
Each to there own. I am happy here, yes there are trade offs but as there are with every work place and no work place is perfect. Until the cost of those trade offs changes in someway I am happy here.
Problems seem to arise is when employees stay when their trade offs change and they don't take responsibility for action.
The only think that people like about this company is the RSU's and nothing else. Ask the management to strip them off and nobody will even work here. The person who posted this will be the first to leave
Seriously with that post? What do you specifically like about working here? Is it the flexibility and trust management has in us?