Thread regarding Rent-A-Center Inc. layoffs

Will rcii revise earnings?

The question is will rcii tell the truth about the state of their business or hide it from investors. Look for a spin, excuse or vague statements from the ceo. I read a post from an investor that was surprised by the stock drop for rcii and was wondering if they "missed" something. Another ill informed investor for you right there, smh.

| 1276 views | | 17 replies (last September 30, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1hUVSSr1

17 replies (most recent on top)

Well there you go, mitchie needed a scapegoat to announce what he already knew was going to happen with earnings. The cfo, evp, vps, lp and any other Ps do what mitchie says to do and say. This Company is in trouble no matter how you look at it and tbh they deserve it. The "greatest" team ever assembled is failing.

Post ID: @14jfu+1hUVSSr1

What happens when revs shrink 10% qtr over qtr and your running 2% profit margin?

Post ID: @tupg+1hUVSSr1

Rent A Center buys the competition, like acima (newest example)shows an increase in revs then they lose it all through mismanagement. They have been doing it for years now. It is the mickey mouse show!

Post ID: @cune+1hUVSSr1

I seen red everywhere when looking at over a thousand store maybe 300 are profitable I don't know how ?!

Post ID: @byse+1hUVSSr1

I see nothing but shrinking income and profit, I don't know but to the untrained eye it looks like bs. Nevermind the 25+ years of reviewing financial reports.

Post ID: @aray+1hUVSSr1

Lol, what a joke...

Post ID: @9frx+1hUVSSr1

Wow are the haters and coworkers that wrong about rac's performance? Hmmmm, why do those numbers look so good? Are things really that good for rac? Why are the coworkers so unhappy?

Post ID: @8rgx+1hUVSSr1

This company is complete trash to work for most unethical place I ever been at .Some of the stuff they say to you or make you do is ridiculous. QUIT after a week not for me ...

Post ID: @7yil+1hUVSSr1

A few more days and we get to hear what is going on at rac

Post ID: @6bin+1hUVSSr1

Walmart had a 10 dollar drop on their bad news, they are supposed to be recession proof too just like rac... Hmm, I can't wait to hear what mitch has to say next week!

Post ID: @1kmt+1hUVSSr1

Yeah they give stuff away and expect you to chase after the customer that's changed their number possibly moved won't open the door and expect results for their bad decisions it's not fair to the employees at all that have to chase this or the people invested in this company

Post ID: @ynq+1hUVSSr1

It's crazy it's a recommended buy in the stock little do they do they will be losing.. Should let the investors know what type of cr---y system they use to approve people practically giving stuff away .

Post ID: @usk+1hUVSSr1

They already know what the numbers look like and what they will like for at least 13 weeks. NOT GOOD! Rip the band aid off already(blood bath coming) and quit trying to find an excuse...

Post ID: @yud+1hUVSSr1

Its a bad sign when a Company keeps investors in the dark, usually when its bad that is the tip of the iceberg, what is unseen is so much worse.

Post ID: @hqm+1hUVSSr1

They have a sale coming up that's why they are waiting . Then they will look at all the numbers which still won't be good .

Post ID: @vzn+1hUVSSr1

I know when it's time to get out and it's time. I need to hang on a few more months to this job and I'll be looking for something else .I don't see them lasting without closing a bunch of places to save money .Or cutting back staff even more then they already did put 3 jobs on 1 person .

Post ID: @pac+1hUVSSr1

I work at one they are losing left and right and no one is paying since they changed to their new everyone's approved system can't help when their number 1 asset the employees treated like dirt turn-over is super high ..

Post ID: @ukv+1hUVSSr1

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