Thread regarding Shopify layoffs

If you are not getting the full severance...

A quick update... For all those laid off from Shopify that didn’t get the full 16 wks severance that is being offered to everyone else....
If you are still within 4-8 weeks of this layoff...

Consider filing a complaint with the employment act?

You should file... All of us in this group are technically of the same layoff and should be treated the same. If you are on a PIP, that's different.

| 1248 views | | 2 replies (last July 28, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1hVm91A3

2 replies (most recent on top)

If you are on a PIP, you are getting fu---d over more than those laid off and provided 16 weeks severance. My entire sales team was laid off after being placed on a PIP and we outperformed our non-PIP colleagues. Terminated with cause because they put us on the PIP first. I know 12 people in 4 different orgs that are on PIP ending this week. Most of them are motivated to continue but worried they will be fired regardless since the writing is on the wall.

Post ID: @1tcp+1hVm91A3

Here is a link that may be useful (the gov page for complaints):
Post ID: @bqf+1hVm91A3

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