Reading some of these posts I get the impression that no one wants to stay here anymore. That should be disappointing for any true leader. Is there anyone at all who is happy with their job at EM?
10 replies (most recent on top)
I think the OP knows the answer to their question. Everyone has some gripe about something they don't like, but I would say at the three big B manufacturing sites, if you aren't in a DH or above position, that 97% of the workers would leave if there was something better available.
I'm milking it for everything it's worth! Yeah baby!
Why are you people on a Layoff sight complaining about working EM? EM Mgmt doesn’t read this site. Bunch of losers milking the pay 💰 check but terrified of venturing on to new employment opportunities. Sad really 😢
I actually like and enjoy my job and the people that I work with. I believe that I am fairly compensated and don’t think that I can find a position that pays as well.
I have lost all faith in the company to be honest and any motivation to value me. Even with record profits I have come to expect that they will not trickle down to me and have seen too many good people PIP’d to believe that I am safe.
I have learned to expect that the top tier of XOM is trying to run people off and is delighted to see people leave. Many of my colleagues have taken the hint and it has hollowed out the organization.
I see a classic example before me of ki----g the golden goose to get the eggs out.
I can honestly say, I don’t know anyone in my group who is happy. They are either retiring soon, working a second job (to test out before quitting EM), quitting as we speak, or hanging on for as long as it’s bearable.
I’m retiring at the end of the year. I’m completely burned out & exhausted. I am catching colds and every bug imaginable because I’m so depleted. As people are fired or quitting/retiring, their duties are being given to those that remain. I am currently doing the job of 2 1/2 people and I can barely keep up. My boss gets annoyed even though he knows we are all overworked. He works from home often, but bi----s when we need to work from home. I’m sick of it.
So many things were tolerated in exchange for job security.
No security = No toleration
Work so hard you don’t have time to think about anything else, then you’ll be fine
The best people have already left. A few are trapped because they are not RE. And then there are the opportunist who are not employable anywhere else.
I know a few people who drank the Kool-Aid and don’t know it gets better elsewhere, but otherwise most people seem checked out these days. I think even the happy people are starting the wear down with how thinly groups are stretched.
My job is easy, I do maybe 20% of what I used to do prior to getting the NI kicking.
Motivation and engagement by everyone here is the lowest it's ever been. No prospects, no growth and development, no training. Not miserable at all, just taking the check for minimum effort. #winning