Thread regarding Prudential layoffs

Annual raises/cost of living raises

What are typical annual raises like? Do you ever get zero raise? Thank you.

| 1802 views | | 1 reply (June 17, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1heFLWAs

1 reply

Bonuses are a range up to a certain % of your salary. It's based on your performance and a formula that includes the company's performance for the year. They recently announced that next year the bonus range will be lower and they bumped salaries a bit. My range this year was up to 25%, next year it's up to like 15% or 10%, I can't remember. I started my career at Pru and received cost of living increases the first 3 or so years, after that they've grown decently larger. Hope this helps.

Post ID: @3pyu+1heFLWAs

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