Thread regarding Target Corp. layoffs


Heard they were using brain cloning tech on an immigrant in target so through a reputation management agency.

| 1974 views | | 3 replies (last June 30, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1hoC7y8z

3 replies (most recent on top)

This was the answer to attrition in the tech space, turns out most of their principals used to clone leet ode training for themselves so that they are able to get out of target and join a tier 1 company. Some even interviewed with amzn.

Post ID: @6hbb+1hoC7y8z

They had the entire target ai group, harassing, stalking and torturing the immigrant. The technique used was called remote neural monitoring. The rumor was 20 million dollars were put into this experiment by the high ups,

This was done with the intent to educate the low quality talent the company has managed to hire but the experiment turned awry very quickly.

The immigrant ran away to a different state posting a career with a different company.

Post ID: @4wlz+1hoC7y8z

Heard they harassed and tortured an immigrant fr 1year in his own apartment during the pandemic.

Post ID: @1vex+1hoC7y8z

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