People are too worried about being placed in NSI so they push themselves to the limit of exhaustion, not realizing that the performance rating drop should not be taken too personally. Just as some managers do not have the answers to employees' questions about what they can do to be better rated, so employees will not get sufficient answers as to why their rate dropped even though they worked harder than ever. Just saying.
I used to work in a technically strong company that was an industry leader. I felt that my job was stable, we had many opportunities for career development. Now EM is just a shell of the company it once used to be.
11 replies (most recent on top)
@1khs+1i7dawVX This is the perfect description of our performance assessment process. It can't be written in a clearer manner than this. Congratulations. You've summarized it perfectly.
Close, but pension is 100% at 60 (for USA)
NSI should be taken personally for the following reasons:
(1) If you are put in NSI, you have a high probability of being forced out of the corporation in less than 12 months.
(2) If you are NI or NSI, you will get a 0% raise.
(3) If you are retirement eligible (i.e. 55 years old with 15 years of service), the company will ask you to consider retirement. If you are not 59 1/2 years old, your actual pension will be as follows:
Retire at 55: pension lump sum is 75%
Retire at 56: pension lump sum is 80%
Retire at 57: 85%
Retire at 58: 90%
Retire at 59: 95%
Retire at 59 1/2: 100%
So yes, we should take it personally especially since we could be leaving 25% of our pension lump sum on the table which benefits the company.
To further @1khs+1i7dawVX analogy, the company will then penalize you for not working well with others after forcing you into the pit.
Look out for yourself and trust no one, I’ve learned my lesson..
Forced ranking with an annual PIP target is like putting 100 dogs out n a pit and throwing less food into the pit each day. Some start to starve, some start to eat the others that show any weakness. Horrible existence even for the dogs that thrive in the pit.
Horrible way to treat employees.
I have also seen a few sponsored id--ts labeled HiPo that took it personally and seemed to believe they earned that sponsorship.
They were very difficult to deal with as they though they sh!t gold, when they were just sh!t at everything they attempted.
Main difference in these two extremes in wrongful rankings is that one can lead to zero income and one can lead to additional zeroes on their income.
Telling people they svck for no reason is unprofessional and unforgivable. Too many EM people think this is OK just because the Company says so and they have no clue what a professional HR department looks like. Privately firing someone for cause or discreetly providing extra coaching for employees with a one off distraction or problem is professional. Having a well coordinated and public downsizing with proper severance is professional. Turning hard working people into pariah and trying to justify it to their face is unprofessional.
it's about the money, dummy. Poor ratings equal no raise.
Just do nothing. Get the same salary but just do nothing. Labels are meaningless if you can decouple yourself from them. #winning
OP, yes, I agree 100%.
Forced ranking is becoming a Thing. You can run but you will not be able to hide.
The lyrics might have changed over time, but the tune remains the same.
Your power back; Never Stop looking for the next job.
So what are you going to do about it?
Good luck. Peace.
OP is right.
In order for any feedback to work, three conditions must be satisfied:
- trust between the feedback giver and the feedback recipient
- candor, which requires a genuine willingness to help the recipient of feedback grow.
- care,, which requires authenticity, vulnerability and compassion.
None of these conditions are satisfied under the current fake "performance" parody, thus the feedback is meaningless, it does not speaks whatsoever about you, the recipient of the feedback.
By contrast, it speaks about the "owners" of the process (managers, supervisor and hr) and how unwilling you are to become one of their clones in their eyes.