Thread regarding Cerner Corp. layoffs

You been acquired here is what happens

After the initial axing and trimming you now will slowly lose the Cerner culture. You will know nothing and your input will be severely hampered. As the restructuring begins you will be reporting to the ORACLE execs and like it or not they could give two SH#TS about your problems, all they care about is the bottom line. Resources will be trimmed and it will be almost impossible to get things done. With limited resources, constant changes in direction and burnt out employees you will be lucky to get 1/4 of what you planned delivered. I watched Oracle bleed a talented organization to a maintenance sweat shop. The Ax-man eventually will get you it’s just a matter of time. Orcl will promise you incentives like RSU most likely in $$ increments this time. When you get them remember the exercise date and a few weeks before they vest the ax man will come. Might not be the first year but each year you make it should be a achievement. You might even get a gold badge from SC to pin to your a-s on the way out. Good luck!

| 2802 views | | 3 replies (last June 19)
Post ID: @OP+1iAaCpbA

3 replies (most recent on top)

When I was there Cerner was too closely tied to Oracle DB. They said CCL supported DB2, but there weren't any customers and developers wouldn't bother taking into the differences between the DBs and just focus on Oracle. Wonder if this made Cerner an even more ripe target for Oracle.

Post ID: @awkzf+1iAaCpbA

Wow, this guy has been through this before because he nailed it in September!

Post ID: @45xgr+1iAaCpbA

This became true. Good luck, Cerner kids. You work for Oracle now. LOL

Post ID: @2Eude+1iAaCpbA

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