Thread regarding ExxonMobil Corp. layoffs

No lunch for you

As I sit in a zoom call during the lunch hour watching people in Houston eat their catered lunch I wonder if anyone will notice if I leave to go find something to eat. Then I remember the email that came out saying that if there is food left over in the kitchen they will throw it away before they share with people who aren’t in the meeting it was ordered for. Then I remind myself we aren’t competing for talent with tech companies and their free cafeterias. #NoSoupForYou #XTO #Permian

| 2577 views | | 10 replies (last September 14, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1iHzgGvV

10 replies (most recent on top)

Yes the Houston meeting. Depe ding where you are in the world could be right in the middle of your lunch or pushing back your bed time by several hours. Fun stuff.

Post ID: @1kdw+1iHzgGvV

If the food comes from campus (minus new bbq), it sucks anyway. I would rather be you looking to get my own elsewhere. Maybe quality of the crud they serve will increase when hq moves in, doubtful though. They will probably get there own high quality free area while we sit eating high school cafeteria food

Post ID: @1bge+1iHzgGvV

Many of the EM affiliates have free meals of high quality because their governments demand a standard for their working people both represented and non-represented. Some companies need to be forced in to spending pennies to enhance work life quality.

Post ID: @1jfs+1iHzgGvV

@1jya+1iHzgGvV I think the complaint is that Houston schedules meetings all the time with people not in Houston during lunch then proceeds to spend thirty minutes blabbering and getting their food while the remote person sits there wondering why they are missing their lunch to be in the meeting. Houston people are inconsiderate of off site meeting attendees. They schedule over lunch and then waste the off sit attendees time.

Post ID: @1huv+1iHzgGvV

Y’all have time to eat lunch? I often don’t have time to eat lunch or eat lunch at the end of the day. Engineer at manufacturing site.

Post ID: @1xku+1iHzgGvV

Can’t even get lunch in Annandale, cafeteria staff nonexistent, ghost town….so sad what this site has become,,,shut down the smoking on site too much wasted contractor time….

Post ID: @1ptt+1iHzgGvV

@OP Is there anything, anything that you people won’t whine or complain about?

Your comment reads something a spoiled first grader would say:

“How come they got candy and I didn’t?

If I see a resume from a current/former EM employee, I’m just deleting it automatically. I’ll just assume that none of you can handle looking at a computer screen while other people eat.

Post ID: @1jya+1iHzgGvV

I've lost count of the number of zoom calls I've been in muted and camera off having a cr-p at home!


Giving it to the man!


Post ID: @onb+1iHzgGvV

@OP You may find the following steps helpful:

  1. Join Zoom meeting
  2. Disable camera
  3. Disable/mute microphone
  4. Proceed with planned activities

And before all of the old-timers start with “see, that’s why you need to be in the office”, keep in mind that virtual meetings, and meetings in general, accomplish nothing, and often drain productivity, so lecture to someone else about your work values please.

Post ID: @wqj+1iHzgGvV

There’s no free lunch here.

These are working lunches, and therefore we give up our midday break. Cost benefit of lunch versus the productivity gained from having many people attend on their breaks.

Post ID: @rzk+1iHzgGvV

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