Thread regarding K12 Inc. layoffs

From Junk Bonds to Junk Schools...A Primer

"One of the worst charter schools in America is a fake online school called K12 INC. This darling of Wall Street has an annual dropout rate of more than 50% and a graduation rate of less than 30%. In this chapter, we will show that K12 INC is simply one more billionaire we-pon of mass deception against our public schools. The real purpose of K12 INC is to rob tax payers of billions of dollars and rob children of their future."

| 864 views | | 4 replies (last January 9)
Post ID: @OP+1iTcQuQw

4 replies (most recent on top)

I work at Stride k12 and it is an excellent school system. I teach high school and very few of my students do not graduate. Some students will go back to a public school when they hit high school because of the athletics or social activities but they are not dropping out, just transferring.

Post ID: @7Bfad+1iTcQuQw

And the response rate was 2.1 percent...

Post ID: @wfw+1iTcQuQw

Wow, this is a BS survey. It only includes K12 grads, but the graduation rate of these schools is abysmal. That's cherry picking the sample.

Post ID: @hlb+1iTcQuQw

So who believes the Stride hype?

Post ID: @chk+1iTcQuQw

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