EM is legendary for the creation of trendy corporate terminology.
Here I have collected some. Please feel free to contribute with your own.
"study work": used in 2020. some consulting firm has been hired to determine layoff size and implementation.
"leveraging of the new organizational structures": layoffs.
"performance and development summary (PDS)": a form in which what you write will be used by your supervisor against you to justify your placement in the ranking.
"performance assessment": ranking.
"performance improvement program (PIP)": an involuntary separation with 3 months severance.
"organizational transformation": when some executives are forced to retire and are not replaced by their successors.
"potential": a measure of how similar an individual talks and behaves compared to those who own the ranking.
"retirement eligible (RE)": an individual that can be legally terminated in 3 years, but not before 3 years.
"involuntary program": layoffs.
"digital": A filler (meaningless) word often used in any context and with any purpose by clueless managers and supervisors.