Thread regarding State Street Corp. layoffs

Being asked to return to office?

My team was abruptly told to return to the office, effected immediately. Curious if anyone been asked to go back.

Allowing employees to work remotely is only benefit that saving the company from loosing employees. Why yank it away from them when it was working perfectly fine for State Street’s profits the last few years?

| 3152 views | | 14 replies (last November 11, 2022)
Post ID: @OP+1iY1I3ib

14 replies (most recent on top)

Survey Request - Thank you for helping us make State Street a great place to work. Real disconnect here?

Post ID: @Gzlh+1iY1I3ib

I told the truth on it. I even wrote I fear I’ll be fired for being honest in it- and that’s ok

I dream of being layed off from this place.

Post ID: @Gqqe+1iY1I3ib

@Post ID: @Fkfl+1iY1I3ib

Tell lies on the HR survey on how much you love the company and your Safe from being let go for the time being.

Be honest tell the truth and your put on the next Layoff list

Post ID: @Gbkv+1iY1I3ib

It's HR survey time again. Why bother? They don't listen and they don't care. It is not anonymous as they say.

Post ID: @Fkfl+1iY1I3ib

ah yes, firing people because they don't agree with what the upper managers think.

It is as though State Street does -in fact- punish inspired, diverse and inclusive thinking............................................................................................................

States Mission statement: "By educating, inspiring, and empowering our employees at every level, we cultivate a global force of leaders that reflects the diverse markets we serve."

and they wonder why employees just leave.

Post ID: @Ereu+1iY1I3ib

@Post ID: @Ectd+1iY1I3ib

Managers are not going to advocate for their workers and put their on job on the line.
Managers who do advocate for their workers would be put on the Fire list by Senior mgmt.

As for useless HR they work for the company and any worker foolish enough to go to them to complain, would be put on the Fire list.
HR would only get involved if the worker was going to sue the company and had a good reason and evidence to sue the company.

Post ID: @Exgo+1iY1I3ib

I know managers are just following orders from senior leaders. But it would help if they can be better advocate for their teams. When managers are forcing people to return to office and saying it’s to improve teamwork we know it’s a load of crock. Lying to us make us loose respect for managers and encourage dishonesty.

If the company don’t care of employees commutes, they should be concern with toxic environment working in the office. Workers can get disgruntled and some can be naturally pessimistic. All it takes is a single person ruining team chemistry. We know its rare seeing managers and HR getting involved when reporting unprofessional behavior. Allowing employees to work remotely minimize the risk and stress of a toxic work environment.

Post ID: @Ectd+1iY1I3ib

I sat in 2.3 hours of traffic this morning so I could sit on global calls all day, unable to hear anything because of people physically around me, and the only person to talk to me today was a guy that said hi to my chest. - which as a woman I do not appreciate

In the office work is archaic at this point.

Post ID: @Dfdp+1iY1I3ib

@OP+1iY1I3ib - It isn't only State Street but many corporation's are finally expecting their remote workers to return to the office either on a full-time basis or at least a few times a week. If we had never had a pandemic many corporation's would not have allowed their employee's to work remotely. Some corporation's have decided to employ some employee's remotely on a permanent basis. This saves on office space. It really depends on the organization and the role that you perform. I enjoyed working remotely and am currently working in the office a couple of days a week.

Post ID: @hfhb+1iY1I3ib

@Post ID: @4udm+1iY1I3ib

Yes cheap off shore help which do not know how to do their job, which means
lots of errors.
Which means the overworked understaffed U.S workers have to redo everything.

Post ID: @6wvq+1iY1I3ib

The reality is all US work that used to be perform by 5+ FTEs is now being done by 1 or 2 surviving US resources and cheap offshore workers.

At least allowing us to work from home was a consolation prize to balance work life. Take this away from us and we’ll start looking for employment else where.

Post ID: @4udm+1iY1I3ib

Everyone should just quit and find jobs somewhere else. Finance has a ton of openings right now everywhere, there’s also online work you could do. My Family works in gov finance and they have the same. Literally millions of options.
Life is to important to give all of it away to a job and long commutes.

Post ID: @3rng+1iY1I3ib

Which department is this? Have been told to come back to connect week and eventually a few times weekly.

Post ID: @1lwa+1iY1I3ib

Get ready for hateful comments about not wanting to go back to the office! We are already back and supposedly because ppo weren’t doing their work but guess what? Same ppo are now in your face NOT WORKING in the office! Just a load of cr-p and upper management trying to get ppo to leave! The only ones even considering leaving are those who really earned an honest days work! The others aren’t complaining at all about being back, they have their friends back in the office to play with all day again getting paid to do NOTHING

Post ID: @bdc+1iY1I3ib

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