Why is there such negative energy in this place? Why can't the atmosphere be less toxic? I will quit because health is priceless.
7 replies (most recent on top)
I think the biggest reason for all the negativity is the need to pretend there is a transformation. It used to be an old fashioned toxic company and now it is a old fashioned toxic company pretending it wants to change. All the phoniness adds to the stress.
I'm in Global Technology. Everyone is working with limited human resources and upper management just keeps adding on to the work. We are drowning in our BAU work but they want us to also focus on developing metrics, process improvements, trainings, attending events, etc. And most of that would be great... if we had the appropriate amount of people to address all those thing. Also since so many people have separated, no one wants to take responsibility for things and so many responsibilities were never even transferred. It leads to a ton of finger pointing and going in circles trying to get the information you need. This causes frustration for all parties involved and can strain relationships which leads to a toxic work environment.
Yes, layoffs happen sometimes because of unforeseen situations that are generally out of the control of management. Any non-seasonal-industry company that lays off staff on a regular basis is not being managed or led appropriately. Yes, people come and go for various reasons, but, No - regular layoffs should not be part of a company management strategy, ever.
When I was there, I survived many rounds of layoffs that happened regularly for at least 5 years before I left. The result of each round of layoffs was a company that was more disorganized, more dysfunctional, less able to adapt to changing markets, and just generally left the remaining employees mistrustful and wondering what was really happening in the boardroom, and of course, when they would be next.
Your right, companies have layoffs and hire frequently. But at Pru, the drastic layoffs and talk of "transformation" led to a major cultural shift, leaving everyone miserable. Atleast, thats my take on the situation.
Every company has constant layoffs. Companies also constantly hire. The negativity is separate from that.
The negative energy started in 2019 when employees were offered the VSP. During this time, the entire executive team was replaced and their sole purpose became cost cutting and "the transformation." It's hard to maintain a positive work enviroment when the layoffs are CONSTANT with no end in sight. When I left, my mental health improved drastically and I never looked back!
It’s because the company has gone through massive change in the last five years, if not longer. McKinsey destroys companies, then moves on.